Friday, October 15, 2010

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Eight months old

I can not get enough of this child. He is his daddy. His first word was Dada and now he waves hello and goodbye to everyone and everything.

He loves to go swimming and roll around in the grass and now that he is starting to crawl, he is all over the place. He spends Sunday mornings reading the newspaper with his daddy and shopping with Mommy.

This is "furious"


Reading the Sunday paper with Daddy.

Swimming makes him so tired

Monday, June 09, 2008

Time flies...

Mad is seven months already. I am constantly amazed at the changes that this child goes through, the milestones hit and the emerging personality. Some days, he's his Dad, others he's me and then the greatest days, where he shows so much of his own personality that we wonder where he came from.

He hates to nap as he feels he will miss something and always wants to be involved in anything going on around him. He babbles up a storm and really lets us know when he is awake and ready to play. On Sunday, as Mike walked into the room, Mad looked right at him and said Dada. I will forever be reminded, by Mike, that our son said Dada first.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

4 months old today

I am such a big boy now. I have discovered my feet and love to put them in my mouth, along with anything else that I can find. I wake mommy and daddy up by singing in my crib after sleeping through the night and I love my babysitter, Miss Josie.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The View from my "office"

My company is allowing me to work from home part time before I go back full time. I have a whole office set up in our dining room. Maddock spends his mornings working with Mommy and then we play in the afternoons. After 8 hours of sleep last night he woke up a very happy baby.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Baby it's cold outside..

It's been so cold out that Mommy and I haven't been able to get out much so when it was almost 40 degrees on Saturday mom and daddy took me outside for hours. We had so much fun - I slept the entire time and then for hours after that.

My new friends, Kathy and Erica came to see me this weekend and brougt me a new outfit. Mommy has had me in this thing taking pictures all day. I have a feeling these are going to come out when I am 20 years old.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Happy Holidays??

Our mission today was to take a great picture of Maddy for our holiday card. I made the mistake of attempting this just before his next feeding - the results: